Regional Councils

Regional Council

Regional Councils represent students and individuals living in on-campus housing at CSU. There are roughly three residence halls/apartments in each community, and each council is supported by 1-2 RLP Liaisons, who are NRHH and RHA Cabinet members. Regional Councils typically meet on Thursdays at 5:30 PM in a residential lobby.

Meetings are times when Regional Councils work together as a group to plan engaging programs for the communities in each region that have a positive impact on the residents, or to brainstorm ideas to a common community need or concern. Programs can stem anywhere from ice cream socials to advocacy discussions, while other initiatives may include adding bulletin boards or more compost bins in the residence halls or apartments in the region. See below for leadership positions!

If you are interested, ask your RA or CC about getting involved or visit the RLP Office in the Durrell Center!

Any student living in on campus has the chance to run for the Regional Council Executive Board. These are leadership positions that look great on resumes and provide opportunities to advance skills and meet new people. Elections for these positions will take place at the start of the semester.

Executive Board Positions